Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ranking First Page of Google SERP's - Consistency is KEY

Ranking first page of Google SERP's isn't easy, neither is it complex as the Guru's make it out to be. It's just going to cost you your diligent time (you're probably devoting to things that aren't important anyway), sweat, and tears. It'll take you about 30 days to rank first page if done consistently and correctly. I've done it, peep there.

It seems as if anything that allows consistency, people have a hard time doing. Not trying to judgmental, I've been there too. It's when I came across this once "vain" quote by Jim Rohn, "Success is neither magical nor mysterious. It is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals." Which also correlates to my first sentence, I wrote, "Ranking first page of Google SERP's isn't easy, neither is it complex as the Guru's make it out to be. It's just going to cost you your diligent time..."

See, It's the basics we rather not partake in that takes us directly to the top. What I mean by basics is the things you already know or have been mentioned to you but you refuse to do, like reading a book to keep your subconscious mindset "on go mode" to keep you persistently chasing your daily goals.

What are you doing daily to contribute to your ranking? Is it posting unnecessary topics on Facebook that doesn't correlate to SEO or is it SEO itself? The answer relies within you and it will determine  only where you'll be in the next few days.

Here's what you need to do:

  • Get off your ass, and read a book.
  • annotate things that are important within that book, innovate and apply it.
  • develop an list that is required for your daily tasks
  • make the list diverse, don't do the same thing everyday (you don't want to become predictable by Google
  • Mastermind with people who has similar goals as you
  • Commit to 30 days of promoting your writings on Social platforms

"It's not complicated, it's simple" - Big Sean

Take care,

Chaunice Morrison

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